Function prove

pub fn prove<F, FDomain, FEncode, P, M, DomainFactory, MTScheme, MTProver, Challenger_, Backend>(
    fri_params: &FRIParams<F, FEncode>,
    merkle_prover: &MTProver,
    domain_factory: DomainFactory,
    commit_meta: &CommitMeta,
    committed: MTProver::Committed,
    codeword: &[P],
    committed_multilins: &[M],
    transparent_multilins: &[M],
    claims: &[PIOPSumcheckClaim<F>],
    transcript: &mut ProverTranscript<Challenger_>,
    backend: &Backend,
) -> Result<(), Error>
where F: TowerField, FDomain: Field, FEncode: BinaryField, P: PackedFieldIndexable<Scalar = F> + PackedExtension<F, PackedSubfield = P> + PackedExtension<FDomain> + PackedExtension<FEncode>, M: MultilinearPoly<P> + Send + Sync, DomainFactory: EvaluationDomainFactory<FDomain>, MTScheme: MerkleTreeScheme<F, Digest: SerializeBytes>, MTProver: MerkleTreeProver<F, Scheme = MTScheme>, Challenger_: Challenger, Backend: ComputationBackend,
Expand description

Proves a batch of sumcheck claims that are products of committed polynomials from a committed batch and transparent polynomials.

The arguments corresponding to the committed multilinears must be the output of commit.