
Function verify

pub fn verify<'a, F, FEncode, Transcript, Advice, MTScheme>(
    commit_meta: &CommitMeta,
    merkle_scheme: &MTScheme,
    fri_params: &FRIParams<F, FEncode>,
    commitment: &MTScheme::Digest,
    transparents: &[impl Borrow<dyn MultivariatePoly<F> + 'a>],
    claims: &[PIOPSumcheckClaim<F>],
    proof: &mut Proof<Transcript, Advice>,
) -> Result<(), Error>
where F: TowerField + ExtensionField<FEncode>, FEncode: BinaryField, Transcript: CanSample<F> + CanRead + CanSampleBits<usize>, Advice: CanRead, MTScheme: MerkleTreeScheme<F, Digest: DeserializeBytes>,
Expand description

Verifies a batch of sumcheck claims that are products of committed polynomials from a committed batch and transparent polynomials.


  • commit_meta - metadata about the committed batch of multilinears
  • merkle_scheme - the Merkle tree commitment scheme used in FRI
  • fri_params - the FRI parameters for the commitment opening protocol
  • transparents - a slice of transparent polynomials in ascending order by number of variables
  • claims - a batch of sumcheck claims referencing committed polynomials in the batch described by commit_meta and the transparent polynomials in transparents
  • proof - the proof reader