
Module fri

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Implementation of the Fast Reed–Solomon IOPP (FRI) over binary fields.

FRI is an IOP of Proximity for Reed–Solomon codes. The original protocol was introduced in BBHR17, and this implementation uses a special instantiation described in DP24 Section 3.

This protocol implement FRI for an interleaved Reed–Solomon code, rather than a regular Reed–Solomon code. Codewords in an interleaved code have the form of being a batch of Reed–Solomon codewords, interleaved element-wise. For example, an interleaved codeword with a batch size of 4 would have the form a0, b0, c0, d0, a1, b1, c1, d1, ..., where a0, a1, ... is a Reed–Solomon codeword, b0, b1, ... is another Reed–Solomon codeword, and so on. The batch size of the interleaved code is required to be a power of 2.

The folding phase begins with the verifier having oracle access to an initial, purported interleaved codeword. In each round the prover receives a challenge and folds the interleaved codeword in half until it reaches a single codeword, mixing adjacent codewords as a linear interpolation. Then in each subsequent round, the prover receives a challenge and folds the codeword in half using the FRI folding procedure and may or may not send a new oracle to the verifier. The last oracle the prover sends, they send entirely in the clear to the verifier, rather than sending with oracle access.




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