pub fn prove<F, PW, DomainField, CH, Backend>(
    claim: &ZerocheckClaim<F>,
    witness: impl AbstractSumcheckWitness<PW, MultilinearId = OracleId>,
    evaluation_domain_factory: impl EvaluationDomainFactory<DomainField>,
    switchover_fn: impl Fn(usize) -> usize + 'static,
    mixing_challenge: F,
    challenger: CH,
    backend: Backend
) -> Result<ZerocheckProveOutput<F>, Error>
where F: Field, DomainField: Field, PW: PackedExtension<DomainField, Scalar: From<F> + Into<F> + ExtensionField<DomainField>>, CH: CanSample<F> + CanObserve<F>, Backend: ComputationBackend,
Expand description

Prove a zerocheck to evalcheck reduction. FS is the domain type.