error.rsuse crate::{
protocols::{fri, sumcheck},
transcript, witness,
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum Error {
#[error("committed oracle {id} has too few variables, must be at least {min_vars}")]
OracleTooSmall { id: OracleId, min_vars: usize },
#[error("committed polynomials are not sorted in ascending order by number of variables")]
#[error("transparent polynomials are not sorted in ascending order by number of variables")]
#[error("committed polynomial witness for oracle {id} is missing packed evaluations")]
CommittedPackedEvaluationsMissing { id: OracleId },
#[error("invalid committed ID")]
InvalidCommittedId { max_index: usize },
#[error("invalid transparent ID")]
InvalidTransparentId { max_index: usize },
#[error("the number of variables recorded for oracle {id} is incorrect")]
OracleToCommitIndexMalformed { id: OracleId },
#[error("the number of variables of the polynomials in sumcheck claim {index} do not match")]
SumcheckClaimVariablesMismatch { index: usize },
#[error("binius_math error: {0}")]
Math(#[from] binius_math::Error),
#[error("Polynomial error: {0}")]
Polynomial(#[from] polynomial::Error),
#[error("FRI error: {0}")]
FRI(#[from] fri::Error),
#[error("Sumcheck error: {0}")]
Sumcheck(#[from] sumcheck::Error),
#[error("witness error: {0}")]
Witness(#[from] witness::Error),
#[error("NTT error: {0}")]
NTT(#[from] binius_ntt::Error),
#[error("verification error: {0}")]
VerificationError(#[from] VerificationError),
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum VerificationError {
#[error("sumcheck claimed evaluation for transparent {index} is incorrect")]
IncorrectTransparentEvaluation { index: usize },
#[error("sumcheck final evaluation is incorrect")]
#[error("Transcript error: {0}")]
Transcript(#[from] transcript::Error),