
1// Copyright 2024-2025 Irreducible Inc.
3use binius_ntt::Error as NttError;
5use crate::transcript;
7#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
8pub enum Error {
9	#[error("cannot calculate parameters satisfying the security target")]
10	ParameterError,
11	#[error("conflicting or incorrect constructor argument: {0}")]
12	InvalidArgs(String),
13	#[error("FRI message dimension is too small")]
14	MessageDimensionIsTooSmall,
15	#[error("fold arities total exceeds the number of fold rounds")]
16	InvalidFoldAritySequence,
17	#[error("fold arity at index {index} in sequence is zero")]
18	FoldArityIsZero { index: usize },
19	#[error("the fold arity for the first fold should be at least the log batch size")]
20	FirstFoldArityTooSmall,
21	#[error("attempted to fold more than maximum of {max_folds} times")]
22	TooManyFoldExecutions { max_folds: usize },
23	#[error("attempted to finish prover before executing all fold rounds")]
24	EarlyProverFinish,
25	#[error("round VCS vector_length values must be strictly decreasing")]
26	RoundVCSLengthsNotDescending,
27	#[error("log round VCS vector_length must be in range between log_inv_rate and log_len")]
28	RoundVCSLengthsOutOfRange,
29	#[error("round VCS vector_length must be a power of two")]
30	RoundVCSLengthsNotPowerOfTwo,
31	#[error("Reed-Solomon encoding error: {0}")]
32	EncodeError(#[from] NttError),
33	#[error("vector commit error: {0}")]
34	VectorCommit(#[source] Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>),
35	#[error("verification error: {0}")]
36	Verification(#[from] VerificationError),
37	#[error("transcript error: {0}")]
38	TranscriptError(#[from] transcript::Error),
41#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
42pub enum VerificationError {
43	#[error("incorrect codeword folding in query round {query_round} at index {index}")]
44	IncorrectFold { query_round: usize, index: usize },
45	#[error("the size of the query proof is incorrect, expected {expected}")]
46	IncorrectQueryProofLength { expected: usize },
47	#[error("the number of values in round {round} of the query proof is incorrect, expected {coset_size}")]
48	IncorrectQueryProofValuesLength { round: usize, coset_size: usize },
49	#[error("The dimension-1 codeword must contain the same values")]
50	IncorrectDegree,