
1// Copyright 2024-2025 Irreducible Inc.
3use crate::{
4	oracle::Error as OracleError, polynomial::Error as PolynomialError,
5	witness::Error as WitnessError,
8#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
9pub enum Error {
10	#[error(
11		"composition polynomial has an incorrect number of variables; expected {expected}, got {actual}"
12	)]
13	InvalidComposition { actual: usize, expected: usize },
14	#[error("claims must be sorted by number of variables")]
15	ClaimsOutOfOrder,
16	#[error("claims have inconsistent evaluation orders")]
17	InconsistentEvaluationOrder,
18	#[error("failed to downcast a composition expression into a subfield expression")]
19	CircuitFieldDowncastFailed,
20	#[error("expected a call to try_finish_claim")]
21	ExpectedFinishClaim,
22	#[error("expected a call to finish_round")]
23	ExpectedFinishRound,
24	#[error("expected a call to receive_coeffs")]
25	ExpectedReceiveCoeffs,
26	#[error("expected call to finish")]
27	ExpectedFinish,
28	#[error("expected call to execute")]
29	ExpectedExecution,
30	#[error("expected call to fold")]
31	ExpectedFold,
32	#[error("the number of variables for the prover multilinears must all be equal")]
33	NumberOfVariablesMismatch,
34	#[error(
35		"ProverState::execute called with incorrect number of evaluators, expected {expected}"
36	)]
37	IncorrectNumberOfEvaluators { expected: usize },
38	#[error("sumcheck naive witness validation failed: composition index {composition_index}")]
39	SumcheckNaiveValidationFailure { composition_index: usize },
40	#[error("zerocheck naive witness validation failed: {composition_name}, vertex index {vertex_index}")]
41	ZerocheckNaiveValidationFailure {
42		composition_name: String,
43		vertex_index: usize,
44	},
45	#[error("nonzerocheck naive witness validation failed: oracle {oracle}, hypercube index {hypercube_index}")]
46	NonzerocheckNaiveValidationFailure {
47		oracle: String,
48		hypercube_index: usize,
49	},
50	#[error("evaluation domain should start with zero and one, and contain Karatsuba infinity for degrees above 1")]
51	IncorrectSumcheckEvaluationDomain,
52	#[error("evaluation domains are not proper prefixes of each other")]
53	NonProperPrefixEvaluationDomain,
54	#[error("constraint set contains multilinears of different heights")]
55	ConstraintSetNumberOfVariablesMismatch,
56	#[error("batching sumchecks and zerochecks is not supported yet")]
57	MixedBatchingNotSupported,
58	#[error("base field and extension field constraint sets don't match")]
59	BaseAndExtensionFieldConstraintSetsMismatch,
60	#[error("some multilinear evals cannot be embedded into base field in the first round")]
61	MultilinearEvalsCannotBeEmbeddedInBaseField,
62	#[error("zerocheck challenges number does not equal number of variables")]
63	IncorrectZerocheckChallengesLength,
64	#[error("number of specified multilinears and switchover rounds does not match")]
65	MultilinearSwitchoverSizeMismatch,
66	#[error("incorrect size of the partially evaluated zerocheck equality indicator")]
67	IncorrectZerocheckPartialEqIndSize,
68	#[error(
69		"the number of prime polynomial sums does not match the number of zerocheck compositions"
70	)]
71	IncorrectClaimedPrimeSumsLength,
72	#[error("batch proof shape does not conform to the provided indexed claims")]
73	ClaimProofMismatch,
74	#[error("either too many or too few sumcheck challenges")]
75	IncorrectNumberOfChallenges,
76	#[error("cannot skip more rounds than the total number of variables")]
77	TooManySkippedRounds,
78	#[error("there are more prebatched coefficients than claims")]
79	TooManyPrebatchedCoeffs,
80	#[error(
81		"specified Lagrange evaluation domain is too small to uniquely recover round polynomial"
82	)]
83	LagrangeDomainTooSmall,
84	#[error("adding together Lagrange basis evaluations over domains of different sizes")]
85	LagrangeRoundEvalsSizeMismatch,
86	#[error("length of the zero prefix does not match the expected value")]
87	IncorrectZerosPrefixLen,
88	#[error("oracle error: {0}")]
89	Oracle(#[from] OracleError),
90	#[error("witness error: {0}")]
91	Witness(#[from] WitnessError),
92	#[error("polynomial error: {0}")]
93	Polynomial(#[from] PolynomialError),
94	#[error("verification failure: {0}")]
95	Verification(#[from] VerificationError),
96	#[error("ntt error: {0}")]
97	NttError(#[from] binius_ntt::Error),
98	#[error("math error: {0}")]
99	MathError(#[from] binius_math::Error),
100	#[error("HAL error: {0}")]
101	HalError(#[from] binius_hal::Error),
102	#[error("Transcript error: {0}")]
103	TranscriptError(#[from] crate::transcript::Error),
106#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
107pub enum VerificationError {
108	#[error("number of coefficients in round {round} proof is incorrect, expected {expected}")]
109	NumberOfCoefficients { round: usize, expected: usize },
110	#[error("incorrect number of rounds")]
111	NumberOfRounds,
112	#[error("the number of final evaluations must match the number of instances")]
113	NumberOfFinalEvaluations,
114	#[error("the final batch composite evaluation is incorrect")]
115	IncorrectBatchEvaluation,
116	#[error("the proof contains an incorrect evaluation of the eq indicator")]
117	IncorrectEqIndEvaluation,
118	#[error(
119		"the proof contains an incorrect Lagrange coefficients multilinear extension evaluation"
120	)]
121	IncorrectLagrangeMultilinearEvaluation,
122	#[error("skipped rounds count is more than the number of variables in a univariate claim")]
123	IncorrectSkippedRoundsCount,
124	#[error("zero eval prefix does not match the skipped variables of the smaller univariate multinears")]
125	IncorrectZerosPrefixLen,
126	#[error("non-zero Lagrange evals count does not match expected univariate domain size")]
127	IncorrectLagrangeRoundEvalsLen,
128	#[error("claimed multilinear evaluations do not match univariate round at challenge point")]
129	ClaimedSumRoundEvalsMismatch,