1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131
// Copyright 2024-2025 Irreducible Inc.
use std::cmp::max;
use binius_field::{Field, PackedField};
use binius_utils::bail;
use bytemuck::zeroed_vec;
use rayon::prelude::*;
use crate::Error;
/// Tensor Product expansion of values with partial eq indicator evaluated at extra_query_coordinates
/// Let $n$ be log_n_values, $p$, $k$ be the lengths of `packed_values` and `extra_query_coordinates`.
/// Requires
/// * $n \geq k$
/// * p = max(1, 2^{n+k} / P::WIDTH)
/// Let $v$ be a vector corresponding to the first $2^n$ scalar values of `values`.
/// Let $r = (r_0, \ldots, r_{k-1})$ be the vector of `extra_query_coordinates`.
/// # Formal Definition
/// `values` is updated to contain the result of:
/// $v \otimes (1 - r_0, r_0) \otimes \ldots \otimes (1 - r_{k-1}, r_{k-1})$
/// which is now a vector of length $2^{n+k}$. If 2^{n+k} < P::WIDTH, then
/// the result is packed into a single element of `values` where only the first
/// 2^{n+k} elements have meaning.
/// # Interpretation
/// Let $f$ be an $n$ variate multilinear polynomial that has evaluations over
/// the $n$ dimensional hypercube corresponding to $v$.
/// Then `values` is updated to contain the evaluations of $g$ over the $n+k$-dimensional
/// hypercube where
/// * $g(x_0, \ldots, x_{n+k-1}) = f(x_0, \ldots, x_{n-1}) * eq(x_n, \ldots, x_{n+k-1}, r)$
pub fn tensor_prod_eq_ind<P: PackedField>(
log_n_values: usize,
packed_values: &mut [P],
extra_query_coordinates: &[P::Scalar],
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let new_n_vars = log_n_values + extra_query_coordinates.len();
if packed_values.len() != max(1, (1 << new_n_vars) / P::WIDTH) {
for (i, r_i) in extra_query_coordinates.iter().enumerate() {
let prev_length = 1 << (log_n_values + i);
if prev_length < P::WIDTH {
let q = &mut packed_values[0];
for h in 0..prev_length {
let x = q.get(h);
let prod = x * r_i;
q.set(h, x - prod);
q.set(prev_length | h, prod);
} else {
let prev_packed_length = prev_length / P::WIDTH;
let packed_r_i = P::broadcast(*r_i);
let (xs, ys) = packed_values.split_at_mut(prev_packed_length);
assert!(xs.len() <= ys.len());
// These magic numbers were chosen experimentally to have a reasonable performance
// for the calls with small number of elements.
.for_each(|(x, y): (&mut P, &mut P)| {
// x = x * (1 - packed_r_i) = x - x * packed_r_i
// y = x * packed_r_i
// Notice that we can reuse the multiplication: (x * packed_r_i)
let prod = (*x) * packed_r_i;
*x -= prod;
*y = prod;
/// Computes the partial evaluation of the equality indicator polynomial.
/// Given an $n$-coordinate point $r_0, ..., r_n$, this computes the partial evaluation of the
/// equality indicator polynomial $\widetilde{eq}(X_0, ..., X_{n-1}, r_0, ..., r_{n-1})$ and
/// returns its values over the $n$-dimensional hypercube.
/// The returned values are equal to the tensor product
/// $$
/// (1 - r_0, r_0) \otimes ... \otimes (1 - r_{n-1}, r_{n-1}).
/// $$
/// See [DP23], Section 2.1 for more information about the equality indicator polynomial.
/// [DP23]: <>
pub fn eq_ind_partial_eval<P: PackedField>(point: &[P::Scalar]) -> Vec<P> {
let n = point.len();
let len = 1 << n.saturating_sub(P::LOG_WIDTH);
let mut buffer = zeroed_vec::<P>(len);
buffer[0].set(0, P::Scalar::ONE);
tensor_prod_eq_ind(0, &mut buffer[..], point)
.expect("buffer is allocated with the correct length");
mod tests {
use binius_field::{packed::set_packed_slice, Field, PackedBinaryField4x32b};
use itertools::Itertools;
use super::*;
fn test_tensor_prod_eq_ind() {
type P = PackedBinaryField4x32b;
type F = <P as PackedField>::Scalar;
let v0 = F::new(1);
let v1 = F::new(2);
let query = vec![v0, v1];
let mut result = vec![P::default(); 1 << (query.len() - P::LOG_WIDTH)];
set_packed_slice(&mut result, 0, F::ONE);
tensor_prod_eq_ind(0, &mut result, &query).unwrap();
let result = PackedField::iter_slice(&result).collect_vec();
(F::ONE - v0) * (F::ONE - v1),
v0 * (F::ONE - v1),
(F::ONE - v0) * v1,
v0 * v1