pub trait PolyCommitScheme<P, FE>
where P: PackedField, FE: ExtensionField<P::Scalar>,
{ type Commitment: Clone; type Committed; type Proof; type Error: Error + Send + Sync + 'static; // Required methods fn n_vars(&self) -> usize; fn commit<Data>( &self, polys: &[MultilinearExtension<P, Data>] ) -> Result<(Self::Commitment, Self::Committed), Self::Error> where Data: Deref<Target = [P]> + Send + Sync; fn prove_evaluation<Data, CH, Backend>( &self, challenger: &mut CH, committed: &Self::Committed, polys: &[MultilinearExtension<P, Data>], query: &[FE], backend: Backend ) -> Result<Self::Proof, Self::Error> where Data: Deref<Target = [P]> + Send + Sync, CH: CanObserve<FE> + CanObserve<Self::Commitment> + CanSample<FE> + CanSampleBits<usize>, Backend: ComputationBackend; fn verify_evaluation<CH, Backend>( &self, challenger: &mut CH, commitment: &Self::Commitment, query: &[FE], proof: Self::Proof, values: &[FE], backend: Backend ) -> Result<(), Self::Error> where CH: CanObserve<FE> + CanObserve<Self::Commitment> + CanSample<FE> + CanSampleBits<usize>, Backend: ComputationBackend; fn proof_size(&self, n_polys: usize) -> usize; }

Required Associated Types§

Required Methods§


fn n_vars(&self) -> usize


fn commit<Data>( &self, polys: &[MultilinearExtension<P, Data>] ) -> Result<(Self::Commitment, Self::Committed), Self::Error>
where Data: Deref<Target = [P]> + Send + Sync,

Commit to a batch of polynomials


fn prove_evaluation<Data, CH, Backend>( &self, challenger: &mut CH, committed: &Self::Committed, polys: &[MultilinearExtension<P, Data>], query: &[FE], backend: Backend ) -> Result<Self::Proof, Self::Error>
where Data: Deref<Target = [P]> + Send + Sync, CH: CanObserve<FE> + CanObserve<Self::Commitment> + CanSample<FE> + CanSampleBits<usize>, Backend: ComputationBackend,

Generate an evaluation proof at a random challenge point.


fn verify_evaluation<CH, Backend>( &self, challenger: &mut CH, commitment: &Self::Commitment, query: &[FE], proof: Self::Proof, values: &[FE], backend: Backend ) -> Result<(), Self::Error>

Verify an evaluation proof at a random challenge point.


fn proof_size(&self, n_polys: usize) -> usize

Return the byte-size of a proof.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.



impl<F, FDomain, FE, P, PE, DomainFactory, Inner> PolyCommitScheme<P, FE> for RingSwitchPCS<F, FDomain, PE, DomainFactory, Inner>
where F: Field, FDomain: Field, FE: ExtensionField<F> + ExtensionField<FDomain> + PackedField<Scalar = FE> + PackedExtension<F>, P: PackedField<Scalar = F>, PE: PackedFieldIndexable<Scalar = FE> + PackedExtension<F, PackedSubfield = P> + PackedExtension<FDomain>, DomainFactory: EvaluationDomainFactory<FDomain>, Inner: PolyCommitScheme<PE, FE>,


type Commitment = <Inner as PolyCommitScheme<PE, FE>>::Commitment


type Committed = <Inner as PolyCommitScheme<PE, FE>>::Committed


type Proof = Proof<F, FE, <Inner as PolyCommitScheme<PE, FE>>::Proof>


type Error = Error


impl<F, FDomain, FEncode, FExt, P, PE, DomainFactory, VCS> PolyCommitScheme<P, FExt> for FRIPCS<F, FDomain, FEncode, PE, DomainFactory, VCS>
where F: Field, FDomain: Field, FEncode: BinaryField, FExt: BinaryField + PackedField<Scalar = FExt> + ExtensionField<F> + ExtensionField<FDomain> + ExtensionField<FEncode> + PackedExtension<F> + PackedExtension<FEncode>, P: PackedField<Scalar = F>, PE: PackedFieldIndexable<Scalar = FExt> + PackedExtension<F, PackedSubfield = P> + PackedExtension<FDomain> + PackedExtension<FEncode, PackedSubfield: PackedFieldIndexable>, DomainFactory: EvaluationDomainFactory<FDomain>, VCS: VectorCommitScheme<FExt> + Sync, VCS::Committed: Send + Sync,


type Commitment = <VCS as VectorCommitScheme<FExt>>::Commitment


type Committed = (Vec<PE>, <VCS as VectorCommitScheme<FExt>>::Committed)


type Proof = Proof<F, FExt, VCS>


type Error = Error


impl<U, F, FA, FI, FE, LC, H, VCS> PolyCommitScheme<<U as PackScalar<F>>::Packed, FE> for TensorPCS<U, F, FA, FI, FE, LC, H, VCS>
where U: PackScalar<F> + PackScalar<FA> + PackScalar<FI, Packed: PackedFieldIndexable> + PackScalar<FE, Packed: PackedFieldIndexable>, F: Field, FA: Field, FI: ExtensionField<F> + ExtensionField<FA>, FE: ExtensionField<F> + ExtensionField<FI>, LC: LinearCode<P = PackedType<U, FA>> + Sync, H: HashDigest<PackedType<U, FI>> + Sync, H::Digest: Copy + Default + Send, VCS: VectorCommitScheme<H::Digest> + Sync,


type Commitment = <VCS as VectorCommitScheme<<H as HashDigest<<U as PackScalar<FI>>::Packed>>::Digest>>::Commitment


type Committed = (Vec<DenseMatrix<<U as PackScalar<FI>>::Packed>>, <VCS as VectorCommitScheme<<H as HashDigest<<U as PackScalar<FI>>::Packed>>::Digest>>::Committed)


type Proof = Proof<U, FI, FE, <VCS as VectorCommitScheme<<H as HashDigest<<U as PackScalar<FI>>::Packed>>::Digest>>::Proof>


type Error = Error