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Objects used to read and write proof strings.
A Binius proof consists of the transcript of the simulated interaction between the prover and the verifier. Using the Fiat-Shamir heuristic, the prover and verifier can simulate the verifier’s messages, which are deterministically computed based on the sequence of prover messages and calls to sample verifier challenges. The interaction consists of two parallel tapes, the transcript tape and the advice tape. The values in the transcript tape affect the Fiat-Shamir state, whereas values in the advice tape do not. The advice tape must only be used for values that were previously committed to in the transcript tape. For example, it is secure to write a Merkle tree root to the transcript tape, sample a random index, then provide the Merkle leaf opening at that index in the advice tape.
- Prover
Transcript - Prover transcript over some Challenger that writes to the internal tape and
CanSample<F: TowerField>
- Transcript
Reader - Transcript
Writer - Verifier
Transcript - Verifier transcript over some Challenger that reads from the internal tape and
CanSample<F: TowerField>